I’m Stephanie Batts, a creative working in Lexington KY. My journey as an artist has taken a winding path, I’ve gathered from all parts of my life to curate my current work. I am both an abstract artist and a mental health therapist. My work as a therapist can’t help but inform my work as an artist and vice versa. I hold space for others to express their deepest emotions and my art is my way of honoring that privilege. My inspiration comes from our shared inner experiences and my hope is that my artwork evokes feelings while creating connection and conversation. I often get visual images as I delve into the emotional depths of our inner psyche, and I attempt to allow those images to flow from my body to the canvas. My hope is that not only will others experience the feeling or thought I am trying to convey but also that they see themselves in my work.
This current process feels like a culmination of my formal education and all my years practicing different techniques includes, oil, acrylic, silk painting, watercolor, ceramics, and stained glass. I received a BA in Fine Art from the University of KY in 1990. I worked in both graphic design and interior design for years. Art has always felt like a need in my life, so I continued to be curious and took many classes using new mediums and techniques. I had been working with acrylic paints for the last several years but always longed to get back into oil painting, as it was my favorite in college. I discovered oil/cold wax while researching new ways to express during covid. From the first moment I felt the creamy texture of the wax I was hooked. It was the perfect process to express emotion and words/textures. The work from there was allowing myself to practice/play until I found the tools and techniques that allowed me to express what was in my head and heart.
Contact me at stephaniesaysllc.@gmail.com